For the North Carolina DOT, EDR Group worked with the Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) at North Carolina State University to assess how economic impact performance can be integrated into planning, programming and project level decision-making. The team conducted a scan of literature and best practices to provide NCDOT with critical information on how to move forward with economic performance measures and tools to improve decision-making. A goal of this work was to enable North Carolina’s transportation investments to provide greater support for the state’s long-term economic development and competiveness. Various employment, wage and productivity metrics were defined and evaluated.
EDR Group also supported NCDOT's strategic prioritization efforts, by providing methods to calculate job and impact metrics for the agency's multi-criteria rating and ranking of proposed highway projects. The prioritization ranking system considers both long-term (10-year) job growth and value added (productivity) growth, as calculated by the TREDIS economic impact model.